I hope someone picks up one idea from my projects. If they do, it will mean that the website works. You may have better ideas and I really want to hear them. Please leave comments so I can also learn new ways of doing something.. Thanks for checking out my web site...

Monday, March 14, 2011

Sliding cabinet doors

Well, I was sitting in the Man Cave looking at my shelves that store my reloading equipment and decided they look cluttered. I came up with the idea of sliding doors, not realizing that this project would absolutely test my skills. I wanted to do it cheap so I only bought the aluminum rails on the bottom and one sheet of 1/4 inch plywood with one good side.


Cutting the grooves required to let the doors slide freely without touching each other was a trick. I did this on my small table saw. It came out pretty good.

The rest of the pictures are pretty much self explanatory.